Tuesday, January 29, 2013

PowerPoint Presentations: Sec. 05

As you know, this semester you and a classmate will be responsible for a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation and a class hand-out.

By midnight on Friday, February 8th, you and a partner should be signed-up for a topic and date.  All topics and dates are first-come first-served. Topics will be crossed off as they are chosen. Anyone that has not chosen by this time, will automatically be assigned a partner, topic, and date.

Follow these steps:
  1. Click on "Comments" at the end of this post.
  2. In the "Post a Comment" box, leave the group's names (first and last), section, topic, and the preferred date—only one entry per group is required.
  3. Be sure that you sign up in the correct section.
David Cortez and Kerry Clancy - The World’s Greenest Cities , 03.14.13

Follow these guidelines for the presentation:

  • The work distribution is up to each pairing, though it should be somewhat equitable
  • The presentation must be approximately 10 minutes in length
  • There should be approximately 10 slides, including at least one video clip (no more than 2-3 minutes in length)
  • Must include a handout outlining your presentation (25 copies) 
  • On the day of your presentation, email both your presentation and handout to me at dhdelao@gmail.com.

The best presentations will likely:
  • Open with cover and introduction slides
  • Begin by contextualizing the topic, then presenting relevant information 
  • Include visually interesting illustrations
  • Avoid a heavy use of animation and effects, choosing instead a compelling visual style
  • Engage the class through a conversational style, utilizing questions and/or activities
  • Utilize multimedia, such as YouTube*
  • Conclude with a summarization of the information presented  
Remember, this is an opportunity to be very creative, so feel free to have fun with the visual layout of your presentation.

Lower scoring presentations might:
  • Begin without an introductory slide and/or fail to offer contextualization
  • Be thinly researched
  • Allow visuals to overrun their content
  • Not engage the class in any meaningful way
  • Fail to incorporate any multimedia
  • Conclude without a concluding slide
*Here is a quick video explaining how to embed a YouTube clip into PowerPoint 2007. Embedding clips can save time during a presentation.

Remember, you are responsible for providing your own laptop.

Choose from a list of topics, then dates, below:
  1. What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
  2. Cryptids of the World: Orang Pendek, Ogopogo, and Mokèlé-mbèmbé
  3. How it Works: The Ivory Trade
  4. Understanding Blood Diamonds
  5. I Want to Host an Olympic Games
  6. Cricket for Dummies
  7. Mind Your Manners: Etiquette Around the World
  8. Four Places to Visit—Before They Disappear
  9. Inside Bollywood Cinema 
  10. MTV Around the Globe
  11. The World’s Greenest Cities
  12. Divorce Proceedings: The Secession Movements of Quebec, Sicily, Chiapas, and Hong Kong
  13. Strange Places: The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Aokigahara Forest, and Area 51
  14. If You Have to Ask How Much it Costs: Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Resorts
  15. How it Works: The Heroin Trade
  16. Explaining Ourselves: The Voyager Golden Records
  17. All About Eurovision
  18. Five Endangered Species Around the World
  19. The Alternative Paris: What Most Tourists Don’t Do or See
  20. Japan and Whaling
  21. Lost Cities: Derinkuyu, Angkor, Pompeii, and Palenque
  22. Megalopolis: The World’s Biggest Cities
  23. All About the FIFA World Cup
  24. How it Works: Human Trafficking
  25. World Festivals: La Tomatina, Holi, Il Palio di Siena, and Burning Man 
Choose from these dates:

Week 05: The United States
Tu 02.19
1. Daimen Ambers and James Medel - Four Places to Visit—Before They Disappear

Th 02.21
1. Hieu Huynh and Caitlin Achiles - Strange Places: The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Aokigahara Forest, and Area 51
2. Anthony Paratore and Mark Moroni - Lost Cities: Derinkuyu, Angkor, Pompeii, and Palenque

Week 07: Maldives
Tu 03.05
1. Charlene Acidera, Danillo Yabut, and Jacquelynnn Nguyen - Cryptids of the World: Orang Pendek, Ogopogo, and Mokèlé-mbèmbé

Th 03.07

Week 08: Egypt
Th 03.14
1. Jimmy Dang and Jessy Corsillio - Strange Places, Too: La Isla de la Munecas, Hoia-Baciu Forest, and The Edinburgh Vaults
2. Jason Lai and Leonel Alvarez - All About the FIFA World Cup

Week 09: Canada
Tu 03.19
1. Bryan Linda and Jonathan Chen - If You Have to Ask How Much it Costs: Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Resorts

Week 11: Germany
Th 04.04
1. Stephanie Nguyen and Kitty Kha - Mind Your Manners: Etiquette Around the World
2. Pamela Baraceros and Minh Tran - Cryptids of the World, Part II: The Yeren, Cadborosaurus, and The Jersey Devil

Week 12: Japan
Tu 04.09
1. David Warren and Jasmine Pandher - How it Works: The Heroin Trade

Week 13: Australia
Tu 04.16
1. Jared Kauk and Jaspinder Kaur - How it Works: Human Trafficking

Th 04. 18
1. Chris Mirandilla - Megalopolis: The World’s Biggest Cities

Week 14: Spain
Tu 04.23
1.Karina Ng - MTV Around the Globe

Week 15: Saudi Arabia
Tu 04.30


  1. Hi my name is David and I'm interested in doing lost cities, eurovision or cryptids. I don't care when we go, preferably first though to get it over with but doesn't matter to me. Let me know if you like to partner up and stuff.

  2. Hieu Huynh and Caitlin Achiles
    English 1A Section 05
    Topic:13: Strange Places: The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Aokigahara Forest, and Area 51

    1. Preferred Date: Week 05 The United States Thurs 02.21

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Charlene Acidera, Danillo Yabut and Jacquelynnn Nguyen
    English 1A Section 05
    Topic: Cryptids of the World: Orang Pendek, Ogopogo, and Mokèlé-mbèmbé
    preferred date: Week 07: Maldives Tu 03.05

  5. Daimen Ambers and James Medel - Four places to visit before they disappear
    Tu 02.19

  6. Jared Kauk and Jaspinder Kaur - How it Works: Human Trafficking, 04.16.13

  7. Julia Merinov and Puneet Sanghera- 5 endangered species, 03.05

  8. Hello. My name is Jonathan Chen and I was wondering if anyone wanted to do the topic "Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Resorts" with me. I do not mind when we will go.

    1. What's up Jonathan, I'm Bryan and I was interested in doing this topic too. So if we could link up that'd be cool

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Jason Lai, Leonel Alvarez, Chris Mirandilla
    English 1A Section 5
    Megalopolis: The World’s Biggest Cities
    Preferred Date: 3/14

  11. Hi I'm Karina and I'm interested in doing MTV around the globe. I would prefer to do the presentation sometime in March. Let me know if you are interested in doing this topic too!

  12. Bryan Linda and Jonathan Chen - Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Resorts
    Preferred date: 3.19.13

  13. David and Jasmine
    How it works: The Heroin Trade

  14. @Jason Lai, Leonel Alvarez, Chris Mirandilla: Already a three person group. You have to lose someone, sorry.

  15. Jason Lai, Leonel Alvarez
    English 1A Section 5
    All About the FIFA World Cup
    Preferred Date: 3/14

  16. hey guys, i just got dropped from this group up there ^ and i would be down to join up with someone and i am pretty open to all the topics that could be presented! message me or text me (408) 505-7116

  17. Chris Mirandilla
    English 1A Section 5
    Megalopolis: The World’s Biggest Cities
    preffered date: Thurs. 4/18

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Stephanie Nguyen and Kitty Kha - Mind Your Manners: Etiquette Around the World

    Preferred Date: 04/04
