Friday, May 3, 2013

Reflection 11-B: We are the World—How We Can Help Make Things Better

Note: If you were unable to complete Reflection 10, you have two options. Choose either Reflection 11-A or Reflection 11-B. Do only one.

While learning more about the world can be interesting, it can also be overwhelming, even a bit depressing. War, poverty, natural disasters—it seems our planet is plagued by an endless string of life and death challenges. It's enough to make you throw up your hands and give up on humanity. But sometimes it can be easy to forget that there are a whole lot of people out there working to make the world a better place. From poaching to HIV to human rights, everyday millions of people are join to combat some of our most pressing problems. For this reflection, profile three of the following international aid organizations. What do they do and why? Who or what benefits from their work? And finally, which organizations most draw your attention? What are some of the ways you could help?

Write about three of the following:

  • MLA Style
  • Two full pages in length
  • Works cited page

Due: Th 05.09

Reflection 11-A: The Straight Dope—Understanding International Drug Laws

Note: If you were unable to complete Reflection 10, you have two options. Choose either Reflection 11-A or Reflection 11-B. Do only one.

We are all familiar with drug laws in the United States. On the federal level, 100% of all  recreational drugs are illegal. It's roughly the same at the state and local level, with the exception of marijuana, which is medicinally available in several states (i.e. California, Maine, Hawaii) and legal only in Colorado and Washington. And while opposition to America's "War on Drugs" is growing, our country is unlikely to dramatically change course anytime soon. How do international laws and attitudes on drugs compare to our own? What countries take a different approach to illegal drugs than us? What can we learn from other countries and what can some from the United States? Finally, what should tourists know about drug laws in certain countries? For example, how can a seemingly drug-accepting society actually spell trouble for tourists engaging in narcotics?

Include at least three of the following pieces in your discussion:

  • MLA Style
  • Two full pages in length
  • Works cited page

Due: Th 05.09

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Process Analysis Essay

For this assignment, you are being asked to write a process analysis of how your writing has changed during this course. The goal is to discover something about yourself as a writer and thinker. Along with the process analysis, you will need to embed relevant examples that highlight your process in writing an essay and evaluating, workshopping, editing, and revising that same essay. These examples must be included in the paragraphs in your essay, not attached as an appendix. Remember, the focus here is on the process and not the product. Consider your strengths and weaknesses as a writer when you began English 1A. Think about what you learned over the semester and what skills you will use in future coursework and beyond.

  • MLA Style
  • 4 pages minimum (1000 words minimum)
  • Word count at end of document

Note: Your response must be in standard essay format, NOT numbered or Q&A format. You can address the topics in any order that helps you make your point.

Item 1 (Writing Habits), must be addressed; after that, address any other two areas of reflection:

1. Writing Habits

You must reflect on your writing habits. Where do you do your best work? What tools are helpful when writing? What time of day or under what conditions (i.e. at home, in the library, at a cafe) do you write best? Analyze what you think these preferences say about you as a writer and a learner.
2. Writing Strategies
Identify writing strategies and practices you’ve learned in this course that work well for you and that you will continue to use in your future writing. Illustrate with samples from your semester’s writing.
3. Feedback
What advice did you receive (from peer review, tutoring, workshop, instructor feedback) that was particularly helpful when revising your work? Illustrate using at least two examples from past assignments, including the comments. How can you apply that advice to future writing?
4. Revision
Analyze how you revised a specific paragraph. Include the paragraph in the paper. Describe the choices you made and why.

You are being graded on the following:
  • Did you answer three questions and include appropriate examples?
  • Does your reflection demonstrate serious consideration of your writing process?
  • Do the examples you include support your reflection?
  • Is the overall presentation of the reflection clear and professional?
  • Does your writing reflect college-level syntactic variety and diction and demonstrate your fluency with the competencies established in first-year composition (grammar, mechanics, usage, etc.)? 

Also, look for the rubric on which your grade will be calculated in the Dropbox section of this website. The reflective analysis counts for 10% of your final grade.

Due: Fri 05.10 (Email to by 5 PM; No late papers)

Sunday, April 28, 2013



Read: GOOD—pg. 301 ­ 416

Tu 04.30
Reading discussion; Presentations

Th 05.02

Tu 05.07
Grade Updates; Presentations

Th 05. 09
Course review